Web consultant with main focus on free publishing systems (CMS - Content Management System).
The best system is called Joomla and is significantly more competent than the scattered competitor Wordpress. Joomla is a highly acclaimed and very secure system - compared to the competition. In addition, Joomla costs nothing in license costs but is completely free.
For the design of the websites, I use Yootheme. Which is also an award-winning and very competent layout tool, is used as a perfect complement to the Joomla CMS.
My experience as a web consultant stretches back many years, both as a consultant and as a project manager. Please take a look at my reference list.
Apps iPhone and Android
In addition to web construction, I have expertise in App programming and have a number of apps on the market.
The time reporting system Projecttime
Already many years ago, in my web agency at the time, I developed a time accounting program, so that neither I nor my employees would waste valuable billable time. In addition, the system would be a customer register and invoicing program.
One of the most important features of a time tracking program is that it should be light, flexible and competent. Therefore, such a system must be built by consultants who use the system themselves.
The system is managed by the company PT-Works AB (www.pt-works.se)